Here they are in all their glory: my beautiful, alphabetized books. My challenge: read every single one before I go back to work in October. Will I get there, doubtful, but I'm going to give it my all, or my eyeballs, so to speak. I probably will not read that Kleenex box, though. I didn't count the books but I estimate there's over 300 titles here, which is daunting, to say the least considering I've never even made it to 100 in a calendar year. Oh boy. What have I done?
Are all of these unread because if so, you have lots of good books on there! I really like The Gargoyle, for example. Saints of Big Harbour was good, but I have never been able to get into Mean Boy despite having it as long as I have known you... um... Hey Nostradamus! was good, but I haven't read The Gum Thief yet. Galore and River Thieves were both good... I liked The Swallows of Kabul, but its been a while since I read it. I think I see Pierre Berton on the bottom shelf there? I need to read more of him....
Other side... from what I can make out... Icefields was surprisingly really good. Oh, is that Gate at the Stairs by Lorrie Moore? I'll be curious to hear your thoughts... Mine were not good...
And, of course there are probably more, but I will shut up now. Also, we own so many of the same books and many of mine are unread, too!
Yes, these are ALL unread. Hence my challenge. I hope it only takes a year but that seems a lofty goal...
But loads of good titles, I hope... More good than bad anyway.
Darn....I was really looking forward to your review of the Kleenex box. :) Seriously, though, I love that you're committed to reading all of these titles. I have scads of unread books calling to me, yet I always seem to accumulate more, and I wonder if I will ever get to the ones that are waiting so patiently.
I've been making a good dent in my unreads. Not quite like you are but about half of the books I've read so far this year are ones that I own.
It is extremely satisfying in a way. And I feel less wasteful....
I need to do the same challenge. Believe me! lol My books are separated from me at the moment and it has lead to way too much reading from the library. I am hoping this year they will rejoin me and I can start whittling away at the books!
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