Sunday, March 27, 2005

Happy Birthday Zesty

And may we have many more, rocking on chairs that support us both as we move into another year together. Remember all those years ago where I stood in the backyard wearing that ridiculous top Sariana gave me, flexing my muscles and showing off, saying, "This is going to be the best year of my life."

I was so wrong. I have now decided for both of us that it will be the best year of our lives.

And I'm nothing if I'm not pyschic. You better watch your ass Warwick. I'm making predictions and you'd better cue up a psychic hotline for all the pissed off customers you'll have when they see the power of the ragdoll and her immensely inflated ego, ahem, intellectual powers.

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My Boy is Ten

My friend Heather took this photo a couple of weekends ago. We went for a walk in the woods. It was a bit cold at first, neither my boy nor ...